Wednesday, July 28, 2010

July 28, 2010 - FUMCOB Weekly News

Greetings, friends!

PASTOR CHERYL is excited to be flying out in the morning to Nashville for the National School of Congregational Development.  The New England Conference graciously provided a scholarship for the registration fee for this event.  There will be a webcast of various seminars available during the July 29 to August 2 conference broadcast on the web at  Also broadcast on Sunday, August 1 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm will be the UMCOR Benefit for Haiti and Nashville with Tony Campolo and music by Richie McDonald and The Gordon Memorial UMC Choir.  I will be blogging (publicly journaling) various learnings to share with you at if you'd like to follow along.  While I'm away, Rev. Peggy Yingst of Trinity Lutheran Church is available for pastoral emergencies at 579-1948 (home) or 254-4220 (church office).

SOCIAL JUSTICE: In light of the sighting of another swastika, this time in the Dummerston quarry, days after the racist and anti-Semitic graffiti on the Dummerston bridge abutment Vermont Partnership for Fairness and Diversity is asking you, the Southern Vermont interfaith community, to show your support for the basic right of your parishioners to live, play  and conduct business without the fear of harassment, bigotry or violence.  The public display of hate language and symbols in Dummerston compels an equally, if not greater, public reminder of our community values. Vermont Partnership is looking for sponsors from the faith community for a half page, color advertisement in The Brattleboro Reformer, The Observer, and The Commons newspapers to run once a week for two weeks with each sponsoring faith community contributing $250 or any other amount.  Earmark your contribution in  offertories over the next two weeks by writing “Hate has no home here” on the memo line of your check.

HELPING HANDS GARDEN: The harvest is in full gear!  Jenny and her crew have harvested 124 pounds from the garden so far this season including 27lbs this past Tuesday, alone, of which 11 lbs were cucumbers!  These items have been delivered to the Women’s Crisis Center. Take a moment to walk around the side of the church yourself to check out the green and glorious growth in our community garden!  Say a prayer and volunteer to pull some weeds and help harvest God’s bounty for our neighbors in need.  Jenny welcomes your help whether it is once or once a week.

YES WE CAN:  Can we?  Are you one of those who purchases extra food to share with the needy each time you shop?  If not, please consider making this important ministry a part of your regular shopping routine.  Jenny has noticed a decline in giving and an increase in need due to the economy.  Thirty cans of vegetables and twenty cans of soup are needed each month to feed the Brattleboro area families we serve in Christian love.  The UMW also encourage us to contribute full meals like tuna and noodles, stews, spaghetti and sauce and breakfast items to meet our neighbors’ needs. Cat food for pets also welcome.  Together we CAN!

BLUEBERRY FESTIVAL: We need your legs, jelly jars, voices and hearts to make this church fundraiser scheduled for Saturday, August 14th a huge success!  Please sign up to pick blueberries or bake blueberry goods to sell.  Please volunteer to set up, serve and break down on the day and take a handful of posters and cards to share with friends and post to notify the whole community of this wonderful event that features crafters and live music in addition to our usual food offerings.

WORSHIP: The Rev. Tom Shanklin will preside over communion, preach and play the organ during worship this week based on the Gospel of Luke 12:13-21 with a sermon entitled, "If I Were a Rich Man."  Eleanor Vanderpool and Judy Flower will perform "The Creation Hymn" as special music.

Week of August 1st – August  7th

SUN 10:00 Worship
MON/WED 9:30-10:30 Exercise / Strength Training

Week of August 8th – August 14th

SUN 10:00 Worship
MON/WED 9:30 Exercise / Strength Training
10:30 Monday Morning Quarterback
6:00 Men’s Fellowship
6pm Game night
FRI 7:00 Sabbath Space
SAT 8am Blueberry Festival

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